Textil{e}tronics @Galzenica

Aura, Anda Klančič,  foto / photo: Silvo Kačar: Vertigo Bird (c)

Od tekstilne do elektronske niti, od materije do modnog objekta
Anda Klančič, Josipa Štefanec, Marija Mojca Pungerčar, Patrizia Donà, Raúl Alaejos & Rodrigo Calvo, Body Pixel Studio

02.03.2012. – 01.04.2012.
Galerija Galženica, Velika Gorica

Let’s now delve deep into the fluff
Massimo Banzi, Getting Started with Arduino

˝Prateći razvoj od jednostavne niti do kompleksnih novomedijskih objekata, Textil{e}tronics tematizira područja recentnih događanja u području suvremene tekstilne umjetnosti, nosive tehnologije i elektronski oblikovane skulpture, kroz svjetlosne lumino objekte i prezentaciju mikrokontrolera Arduino.

Tematizirajući skulpturalnu tekstilnu (Josipa Štefanec) i elektronsku nit (Anda Klančič), kao i dizajniranu materiju i novo značenje objekta (Patrizia Donà), te socijalno angažiranu tekstilnu umjetnost (Marija Mojca Pungerčar), izložba daje presjek suvremenih tekstilnih i novomedijskih tendencija, te načine preispitivanja značenja medija kao takvog. Socijalni i emancipacijski aspekti tekstilne umjetnosti nikako se ne mogu zaobići, ona uvijek kao da priziva brojne asocijacije manufakturnog rada, uradi sam (DIY) subkulture i samoodrživih sistema, osobito u vezi s vrlo sličnim recentnim događanjima na sceni otvorenog koda i nosive tehnologije (Arduino, Body Pixel Studio).

Nit kao naoko krhka, ali često sveprodiruća skoro pa neuništiva materija, te žica kao provodnik struje i arbitar elektrona poveznice su ove priče. Na neki način jukstaponirani, materijali donose kohezivni narativ prezentiranim objektima. Izložba slijedi liniju mikroskopske amorfnosti i nježne gibljivosti materijala, sve do suptilne robusnosti objekata. Savršenstvo stroja, bilo u vidu ljudskog tijela bilo u vidu mašine, ne predstavlja ovdje prerogativ jer slatka nespretnost mehanike ne podilazi toliko željenoj stvarnosti. Neizvjesnost izvedbe koja karakterizira svaki radni proces novomedijske umjetnosti donekle odgovara i krhkosti tekstilne niti…˝
(Deborah Hustić)

Guerilla knitterice: Una Bauer, Ana Dadić a.k.a. ŠtrikAna, Vana Gaćina, Ivana Ivković, Antonija Letinić, Maja Kalogera, Marijana Rimanić, Maša Žarnić.

Kustosica izložbe: http://www.bodypixelstudio.com/ (Deborah Hustić)

DIY Arduino izradio Davor Jandrijević Emard

Asistentica kustosice, organizacija: Ana Kovačić
Dizajn: Petra Zlonoga
Glazba: Kruno Jošt


From textile to electronic thread, from substance to fashion item

02.03.2012. – 01.04.2012.
Galženica Gallery, Velika Gorica, Croatia

‘Let’s now delve deep into the fluff’
Massimo Banzi, Getting Started with Arduino

‘Following the development of a simple thread into complex new media objects, the exhibition will touch upon recent developments in the areas of wearable technology and electronic sculpting through lumino light objects and the presentation of Arduino microcontrollers.

Dealing with sculptural textile (J. Štefanec) and electronic thread (A. Klančić), designed substance and new meanings of objects (P. Dona), as well as socially responsible textile art (M. M. Pungerčar), the exhibition presents an overview of contemporary new media directions and questions the meaning of the medium as such. The social and emacipatory aspects of textile arts are clear – they invoke thoughts of industrial manufacturing, DIY subculture and self-sustained systems, especially in relation to recent similar developments in the fields of open source and wearable technology (Arduino, Body Pixel Studio).

The thread as a seemingly fragile, but basically all-pervasive, almost indestructible matter, and the wire as a conductor and an arbiter of electrons are hereby linked. Juxtaposed in a way, the materials provide the cohesive narrative for the objects presented. The exhibition examines this link from the microscopic amorphous shape and suppleness of the material, all the way to the subtle robustness of the objects. Mechanic perfection, be it the human body or a machine, is not a prerogative here, since the delightful awkwardness of mechanics does not comply with the projected reality. The uncertainty of the performance which accompanies every new-media art process, is quite well suited to the fragility of the textile thread.’
Text by Deborah Hustic

Guerilla knitters: Una Bauer, Ana Dadić a.k.a. ŠtrikAna, Vana Gaćina, Ivana Ivković, Antonija Letinić, Maja Kalogera, Marijana Rimanić, Maša Žarnić.

Curator: Deborah Hustić http://www.bodypixelstudio.com/

DIY Arduino by Davor Jandrijević Emard

Curator’s assistant & organizer: Ana Kovačić
Design: Petra Zlonoga
Music: Kruno Jošt



Exhibition Textil{e}tronics –  From Textile to Electronic Thread, From Substance to Fashion Item @Galženica Gallery, March, 2012 was supported by Funds for the 2012 Gallery Galženica exhibition programme provided by the City of Velika Gorica, Zagreb County and The Ministry of Culture of Republic Croatia.

Vertigo Bird & Arcadia Lightwear – Ljubljana, Slovenia
Supra Muros – Zagreb, Croatia
UKE – Križevci, Croatia